Behavioral Health

Counseling Program Mission

The MAA counselors will provide a comprehensive counseling program that ensures success for all students by removing barriers to learning and meeting academic, personal/social, and college/career needs.

Make an appointment by calling:

Angelica Padilla 

Make an appointment by calling

Charmain Trujillo – Night school, Edgenuity, and Credit Recovery

Make an appointment by calling

Counseling Vision

The vision of the MAA School Counseling program is to empower all students to reach their fullest potential through academic, personal/social, and career goals. We seek to promote a holistic approach to overcoming barriers by addressing school, home and community issues for the enrichment of the individual student. We honor diversity and effectively use empathy and encouragement to maintain cultural awareness of self and others.

Student Support Resources

How your counselor can support you

Counselors can provide support in the following domains:

Academic Development
  • Academic advisement
  • Graduation Plan 
  • Transcript review 
  • College and Career advisement 
  • Dual Credit advisement 
  • CEC enrollment
Personal/social Development
  • Failing/Lack of motivation
  • Absenteeism/Tardies/Ditching
  • Discipline problem(s)/Defiance of rules/Behavior
  • Mental health (depression, anxiety, anger, self-harm)
  • Physical health (frequently ill, poor hygiene, hyperactivity, short-term or chronic condition)
  • Personal (family or peer concerns)

What grade am i in?

Student Resources

Suicide/Crisis Support

Sometimes it’s hard to talk about our problems with family and friends. There are trained crisis hotline specialists and volunteers ready to provide compassionate, non-judgmental help for anyone in need of emotional support.

LGBTQ+ Resources
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