Community Schools

What is a community school?

“A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development along with community engagement leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. Community Schools are centers of the community, open to everyone. Using public schools as a hub, community schools bring together a wide variety of partners to offer a range of services and opportunities to children, youth, families and communities.” – Institute for Educational Leadership & Coalition for Community Schools

The Mark Armijo Community Schools Strategy

Community Schools Key Practices

Powerful Student and Family Engagement
Collaborative Leadership, Shared Power and Voice
Expanded, Enriched Learning Opportunities
Rigorous-Community Connected Classroom Instruction
  • Three Sisters Kitchen – Culturally-relevant, hands-on credited cooking course with local foods. Students will also prepare and test for receiving their ServSafe Food Handler’s License.
  • Nature Ninos – Student visits and experiences in nearby accessible nature spaces through the New Mexico History course
  • Los Ranchos Agri-Nature Center – student workshops and work opportunities through Youth Conservation Corp
Culture of Safety, Belonging, and Care
  • NMPED Prevention, Response, & Resiliency Program in partnership RJ Ed
  • New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence – Student pledge of non-violence 
  • Trans and Nonbinary Education and Training – Consultancy and staff-wide training
  • Equity initiatives – The Community and Equity council is an equity-driven initiative addressing the intersectional community issues and assets of students, parents, staff, community partners, and community members. In the 24-25 school year this has included the development of a cultural calendar for lunch time and advisory activities, and the CS Coordinator attending district-wide equity training and sponsoring Alphabet Soup (see below)
  • Alphabet Soup (GSA)- A safe and brave gathering space to celebrate LGBTQ+ identity through lunch time activities between students, staff/faculty, and co-conspirators. Any and all are welcome to join.
  • Culture Calendar programming
Integrated Systems of Support

Connect With Your Community Schools Coordinator

1st Meeting of the Month (Breakfast provided):

7:25-8:25 AM

  • 1/16

2nd Meeting of the Month (Light snacks provided.):

2:45-3:45 PM

  • 1/30

If you are a parent, student, neighbor, community organization, or other entity with questions or interested in joining the council, please MAA’s Community Schools Coordinator:

Rios Fernandez – Community Schools Coordinator

Community Schools Meeting Notes

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